rejuvenate at Naftalan's wellness resorts

For nearly a century the resort town of Naftalan has been attracting sufferers of all manner of maladies with its healing oil. Today health seekers can undergo treatment at a multitude of resorts.

rejuvenate atNaftalan's wellness resorts

The peculiar properties of Naftalan’s oil mean it can be used to treat over 70 diseases. These include skin conditions, musculoskeletal, urological and ENT problems, as well as problems related to the nervous system, blood vessels, stress and fatigue. Medical care can be provided throughout the year at a number of five-star hotels such as Garabag Resort & Spa, Chinar Hotel & Spa, and Gashalti Health Resort, all of which have wonderful spas and sports facilities, or at specialist wellness centres such as Kapaz and Naftalan. First, visitors undergo a medical check-up to determine the treatment to be prescribed: typically this involves bathing repeatedly in oil but may also include balneotherapy, bromine baths, massages, physiotherapy and paraffin therapy. Whatever your malady, a solution will be found!

rejuvenate at | Naftalan's wellness resorts

weather and season

Air temperature

0.3 – 14°C / 32.5–57.2°F

Feel temperature

-3 – 13.5°C / 26.6–56.3°F


  • Warmer; breezy this morning
  • N
  • speed 16.7 km/h

When to go

  • Peak Season:
  • All year round

Rejuvenate at Naftalan's wellness resorts


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Bathe in Naftalan oil to relieve aches and pains
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