rose water recipe

Rose water has a long history of use, with applications ranging from medicinal to culinary.

Rose water is widely used in Azerbaijani cuisine, both in beverages, including the making of refreshing drinks, and in the preparation of desserts, such as pakhlava from Ganja, the historic West Gate of Azerbaijan and birthplace of the great poet Nizami. In Azerbaijani tea traditions, it is customary to add gül suyu (rose water), enhancing the taste and fragrance. Gül suyu is served in special carafes with a curved spout, enriching not only the tea but also the air with its aroma.

Rose water is produced through a boiling water process using rose petals, which are collected early in the morning to preserve their fragrance. Sourced from rose plantations of the Zagatala District of Azerbaijan, rose water and rose oil are exported to various countries.

Allergen: Rose

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