badambura recipe

Badambura is a type of sweet, fragrant pastry that is incredibly popular in Azerbaijan. It is prepared for festivals, like Novruz, wedding ceremonies or just to enjoy as part of an Azerbaijani traditional tea ceremony.

Badambura consists of several layers of soft, flaky dough filled with almonds, sugar and ground cardamom. The top of each badambura is decorated with caster sugar, which gives it a classy finishing touch.

Below are the ingredients and recipe to prepare this delicious dish:

Ingredients for 10 kg of badambura

  • Wheat flour - 4 kg
  • Sour cream - 1.8 kg
  • Butter - 1 kg
  • Almonds - 2.3 kg
  • Yeast - 17 g
  • Granulated sugar - 1.8 kg
  • Cardamom - 40 g
  • Caster sugar - 400 g


Add butter, sour cream, granulated sugar and yeast to the flour and knead the dough. The almonds are shelled, washed and dried, and then passed through a meat grinder. Granulated sugar and cardamom are then added to the almonds and mixed. When the dough is ready, it is rolled out, buttered in layers and divided into small circles. The almond filling is placed in each circle and the edges are folded. The badambura are baked at a low temperature so that they do not brown, remaining white. After baking, they are sprinkled with caster sugar.


Flour, egg, almonds, cardamom

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